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My cage with different fleece in !!

My cage with different fleece in !! - Guinea Pig Cages

Woo I found these fleeces for £3 in a huge range of colours I just picked one up to see how well it worked and they are great and soo cheap !! Im going to get loads !
Hey thanks ! I like it all clean and tidy but it dosent stay that way for long believe me !
I really like the hay area... Great job!! He doesn't get lonely though?? Or is there more than one pig?
Hey no there are two pigs my abby russel is under the blue stool in the right hand corner ! They dont get along (they dont draw blood) but whenever I seperate them for a wee while they squeek and squeak and squeak !!
That looks great Emma! I love 3 x cages, there's so much more room for the piggies to roam!

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