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My baby girl- Scruffy!

My baby girl- Scruffy! - Guinea Pig Cages

Shes about 7 weeks old and is my only piggy. shes so adorable. We got her from my next door neighbour, she was by far the cutest of the litter :)
They mix their male piggys with the female piggies. its really bad, their poor piggys have baby piggys over and over, no rests. I feel sorry for them, im glad i rescued dear scruffy.
That should be illegal to continuously breed the piggies. Scruffy is a cutie! I am sure she loves the reprieve from the mass orgy at your neighbor's house. She looks albino in the pic cause of the red eyes. But I guess it might just be the camera & lighting. :) She's adorable.

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