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Mouse cage from cat litter pan

Mouse cage from cat litter pan - Guinea Pig Cages

This is a mouse cage created from a cat litter pan and 1/4" hardware cloth. It opens from the top.

Please pardon the mess. We're working on litter training these ladies. :-)
Mice do indeed need a wheel, and also, the food you are using is not great for them, they need all the seeds and such, they also love cherrios (without the sugar) as a treat.
both of my mice LOOVE the wheel. Infact, I just put two wheels so they didnt have to wait turns! Yes, they should have a wheel, but good cage!
I have a mouse and I want to make a even bigger cage for him that he has now....Hmmm. Maybe I can use the old guinea pig cage and put very high walls of coroplast on the sides!
nice cage! I like how you used a cat litter pan as the base/pan for your cage. I'm thinking about doing the same thing for the rat cage I am making. Also, all the mice I've ever had enjoy wheels, but they poop all over them! Unlike another commenter, I don't think your food choice is bad. What type of lab blocks are you using? If you are using a high quality lab block like Mazuri lab blocks, then your mouse should be getting all the nutrients he/she needs by eating lab blocks (therefore lab blocks = good) Mice seem to like eating seeds, however, more than eating lab blocks. You could sprinkle some seeds in with the lab blocks if you want. Of course, since this is just a photograph - a still image of one moment in time - it possible you already do this, so go ahead and ignore all of my preaching if you'd like :).

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