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Mother and Daughter
Wheek Weak

Mother and Daughter - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Ruby (brown & white) and her daughter TeeJay (calico).

They're two of kookiest little girls you ever saw!

Ruby likes to lick and nibble on TeeJays ears when they're eating, and TeeJay licks Rubys eyes all the time. They're sooo weird!

They're absolutely inseparable. You can hardly
Good eyes, Pumpkin_RIP!

Ruby had ovarian cysts when that picture was taken. She had surgery to have them removed. They were the size of goose eggs (poor little girl was miserable)!

I'm happy to report that she is now a normal-shaped piggy, and as healthy and happy as could be!

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Guinea Pigs
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Wheek Weak
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