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Modified cage

Modified cage - Guinea Pig Cages

You may have seen a bigger version of this cage. It was a little harder for my daughter to keep clean so we scaled back a little bit. Now more butterflies or vining flowers...Scooby and Scooter ate them.
I miss the butterflies and flowers too. I need to figure out how to do it so my bratty boys don't chew them to pieces. On poor butterfly had nothing but a body and 2 or 3 strands left to the wings.
Aww, that's too bad. I love your cage! I like how now it looks a bit easier to get into with your hands (at least to me!) I love the animals on top!
It is easier to clean. They don't really miss that I took out the 2 cubes now that they have their piggies run on the bottom floor.

One day, on e of the little dogs had partially fallen down. I saw it in the morning but didn't bother to fix it. WHen I cam home that night...they had gotten to it had partially pulled it into the cage. The big head got stuck and it they couldn't get it in.

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