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Meow food dish

Meow food dish - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the veggie dish for my pigs. I think it's funny because I have a couple Spongebob pictures above the cage. He is a meow-ing snail for all you people who (gasp!) have never watched/heard of Spongebob Squarepants. The checked sides go with my cafe theme on the top level of the cage. There are
Thanks, I thought so. I love the show, even though it's meant for a younger audience... it's still cute!
I'm with harrison I love the bowl but I have to say I don't care for Spongebob. But I love Gary & Patric
Who lives in a cage inside a house? Spongebob pigpants! Who is cute and a poop machine? Spongebob PigPants! Wheeeeeeeek!

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