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Madeline exploring her cage.

Madeline exploring her cage. - Guinea Pig Cages

will just see how much of this gets chewed! In trial process, don't think she will sleep in the bed, i had it inside the house but she was trying to scratch it up.. there is litter box in corner can't see.
Love the cage. Try a hammock. My bunnies both use a hammock (discovered this by accident) I check my son at night and both bunnies will be in the hammock at the top of the cage sleeping. We have a Holland Lop and Mini Rex (well, supposed to be, but mom was pretty big, so mini might not be true) I love the color of your bunny. My son would say it is a sad bunny because the ears are lopped. (he is 5 and kept trying to make PoGo a happy bunny by putting his ears up. Leaves them alone now the he understands that PoGo isnt sad, his ears are just like that) I bet your bunny dances across that cage like crazy.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww x 100 the bunny is super adorable. & I love the cage, its so neat! I have a question. was it hard to potty train her? I ask because my bf has a Bunny named Buggy and hes trying to potty train him, he goes everywhere! Thanks
What a gorgeous little bunny! She looks like she's colored green! (or maybe my laptop monitor is a piece of crap) So adorable!
really all my buns love their beds... she soo cute though when shes older and bigger you might want to invest in a kitty litter box for her
aww she looks like she really likes it there, once I get a new bunny I want to make a set up like this too! Hopefully the bunny or bunnies will like it

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