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Lets roll baby

Lets roll baby - Guinea Pig Cages

That's my hamster car/ball and they were exploring since i had cleaned and they found something new to play with. I took the ball part out and let Finn get in the car lol.
This is One of my hamsters Sushi lol
that is so cute!!! piggies are just so nosy!!!! They have to check everything out!!!
I had one of those car things for my hamster but it was blue. We called it the "Teddy-mobile" after my hamster Teddy.
My hammy has a hammy ball sort of like that! It's so awesome!! He runs like 100km an hour in that thing... I can imagine a piggy chasing him!
i have a robo dwarf hamster. he runs on his wheel ALL the time. in fact, he is running on it right now!

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