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Latest remodel

Latest remodel - Guinea Pig Cages

I had a multi-level cage but the girls kept destroying my ramps so I decided to take the upper level down and make it all one level. They still have their hay area with aspen bedding and eventually I will get rid of the litterbox but it stays much cleaner like this. They love the mini ramp and runni
Aww thank you everyone...I think the girls like it better too. They run laps a lot more now and they are always making noises. As long as my little girls like it, I'm happy. :)
About the litter box, maybe you can get them to only go in the place with the hay, it would be a giant litter box.
Yeah, I am trying to "wean" them off of the litterbox...they seem to be going mostly in the hay area, so I think they are getting the idea...smart piggies
Thanks, I got the mesh cubes because I thought my newest piggy was pregnant but she passed away this weekend. :(

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