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Kofi and Winky's new ramp setup.

Kofi and Winky's new ramp setup. - Guinea Pig Cages

This idea was brilliantely presented by TX-2-pigs! What a fab idea. Once again a big thank you.

1. 4 for a £1 plastic tubs (Homebase UK). The ends cut off and ziptied together.
2. I measured a piece of Correx (for reinforcement) and a £1 mat to fit in the middle.
3. I then made 4 holes ( 2
Good for you! That looks absolutely fantastic. I am always glad when my suggestions work out well for other people. And thanks for the nod!
Hiya, can you give me a bit more discription on those Homebase tubs? What did they look like before you cut them and whereabouts in Homebase were they located?

hiya i live in the UK too and i was wondering where you got ur matereals from e.g. correx mesh cubes flooring.
thanx 4 ur help! charlie

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