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Kitchen area of girls cage

Kitchen area of girls cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is the girls kitchen area. Their food, water, and hay are all up here. Whenever they get veggies they run up there because they know that is where they have to eat. The litter pan holds their hay with some bedding which I change daily.
Haha, I have that doggie litter box. Sad to say i'm gonna have to use it for the guinea pigs since the dog never learned! Oh, and i have that chair too.
Very cute but y arnt they outside in a hutch during the night and on the grass during the day??? especially in this hot weather?
Are those 2 seperate cages? I was wondering how that works, especially if they are different genders because i was thinking of doing that with mine to save some grids. So how does it work with yours?

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