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Kanga - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my baby girl Kanga.

Someone at work knew I had guinea pigs, and told me they had one that their daughter didn't want anymore. They had her for about a year before I rescued her in October 2007. She was a sad case, kept in a cage barely big enough for a hamster. Never had her nails clipp
She is so cute.
it is almost as if she wanted to say " what? Can't a pig play compeuter games?"
She's gorgeous!

Thank you for taking her out of that horrible situation...I'm she appreciates it as well.
She's so cute!!
I'm glad you saved her. I can't believe anyone would spray air freshener on a guinea pig. You really rescued her from a horrible situation.
What an adorable piggy! Her coloring is so unique... I've never seen one like that before! I bet she's so glad you saved her!

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