Imapiggylover Apr 26, 2007 What cage is this for? It looks REALLY cool btw! I love the little beachhouse and the ladder! Too cute!
What cage is this for? It looks REALLY cool btw! I love the little beachhouse and the ladder! Too cute!
i-love-nev Jul 19, 2007 i have that wheel but in green my hamster that died a few weks ago used ti love it and would play on it all night!
i have that wheel but in green my hamster that died a few weks ago used ti love it and would play on it all night!
deathnotronic Dec 22, 2007 That's an awesome cage! But that silent spinner wheel is horrible! My hamster went through 4 of them already, his fat little hamster self broke them all. Where did you get that beach house?
That's an awesome cage! But that silent spinner wheel is horrible! My hamster went through 4 of them already, his fat little hamster self broke them all. Where did you get that beach house?
wickedrodent Dec 23, 2007 Thanks I got the beach house at Target a few years ago. They are made by fisherprice and called sweetstreets.
Thanks I got the beach house at Target a few years ago. They are made by fisherprice and called sweetstreets.