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Indoor Grass

Indoor Grass - Guinea Pig Cages

Marzipan had her chance to dig in when Pchan had her fill. What a treat for the pigs, they loved it.
Do the seeds or roots underneath hurt the pigs? I, too, have just found that my piggies LOVE the "pet grass" or "wheatgrass" you find in the produce stores. I also heard that it's insanely healthy for them. I keep cutting it, worried that they'll eat the seeds underneath and also wondering how to keep the stuff growing. ???

Any suggestions?
Is that cat grass?? Or is it pet grass the same thing?? I will have to try that, since she can't have any grass in the winter.
A wheat grass tray like this sounds like a great project for my son and I to do together. My piggy will be ecstatic! Spring seems like it's a long time coming...
I wonder if piggie-poops are a good fertalizer, you could get an awsome cycle going there. Eat and grow.
Thats cool...how do u make the grass survive? Iv tried and it started dieing soon after....any tips would be great :)

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