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Indoor Grass

Indoor Grass - Guinea Pig Cages

We grew a huge flat of grass inside for the girls and they went crazy when we brought it out during floor time. They both ran over, started munching and PCHAN jumped right in. Can't wait till spring/summer when they can enjoy the outdoor!!
Definately a great idea!! I'd like to do the same thing - what kind of grass is best for cavies?
I just used regular Scott's brand grass seed. I used alot of seed, that way it came in nice and thick. Took less than a week to grow!! The soil I used is seed starter soil. I have also grown wheat grass in a small container for them.
lol, you named him p-chan does he turn into ryoga when you give him a bath?

(they're so cute)!
I'm doing the same thing right now. It's been growing for about a week and is doing well. I plan to wait until next weekend to set it out for when I introduce Malaika and Jewel. I figured it would give them common ground and a positive experience. Good thinking! And thanks for the idea ;)

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