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Homemade Rat Cage

Homemade Rat Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

After my two rats managed to chew through coroplast, remove velcro cable cuffs, and escape their three-story mesh C & C cage, I decided to make a new cage that is escape-proof. I used a metal tray from an old pet cage, a small animal pen, and wire shelving to make their new cage. Unfortunately
Must be frustrating lol. Looks like you did a good job this time! I can't really tell how big it is, what are the dimentions?
The online rat "cage calculator" claims a cage this size can hold six rats. It's not that small compared to pet store cages, or a lot of cages really. I do intend to give them as much room as possible, but I have to put safety first. When I can safely add more levels without the risk of them escaping, I will.
That cage is much larger that it appears. Trust me. My dad has been building a new rat cage for me. My new cage is 3' long, 26" high and about 24" deep. The rat calculator says it will hold 6 rats using 2 cubic ft. per rat and up to 8 with 1.5 cubic ft. per rat.

How deep is your cage envisionary?

I think it's a very nice looking cage. I really like it!!!
Thank you Ly, I appreciate that. This new cage is 2 feet deep, 3 feet long, and 2 feet tell. They originally had a 2x3, 3-story C & C cage before and it was much bigger, but they chewed right through the coroplast and started on the mesh! This is one they can't escape.
I have another metal tray that is the same size, and I'm going to use it to add more space. Any suggestions on how to do that? I could either connect them side by side, or use it as a second level, but I want it to be easy to clean. I'm considering overlapping the top of the cage half way so there is still an opening to reach the bottom part, and then adding some type of support system to hold the part that extends in the back.

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