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homemade pool cage!

homemade pool cage! - Guinea Pig Cages

I saw this idea on this site and just loved it! Got the pool at Kmart for $12 and the little fence at Petsmart for like $17. Maggie, Panini, and Nazz just love it! Once my two babies, Panini and Nazz get bigger (and I find a way to make more room in my room!) I am going to get the next size up pool
LOL...I wish I had room...live in a trailer, I just made the room for my babies!!
That is a fantastic idea! Really, It looks so spacious for them! Duncan is jelous!!
Looks good, how big is it?--what's the diameter. I am in the thinking process of making my hamster something very similar to that.
OMG! What an awesome idea!!! I bought one of those pools from WalMart for $8.00, except I use it so my dog can cool off when he is outside in the summer. but that is a really neat idea, might have to do one of those myself. looks spacious, easy to clean, and very affordable!

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