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Home made cage for two guinea pigs.

Home made cage for two guinea pigs. - Guinea Pig Cages

A cage made by my husband. It's measurments are
1.4m x 0.75m and height is 0.5m.

There is no lid on it but we have a folding fire screen on top that we fold back or take of completely when we in there. Our big one likes to use it's tunnles and stuff to stand on and try to escape.
It was made with
I'm not sure how the straw/hay would work though because it looks sharp and wouldn't the piggies eat it? =/
Looks Awesome!! Nice and clean. I'm sure you put a lot of time in it. Lots of room to play.!! What lucky piggies...
Looks good, but you should use carefresh, aspen, or fleece bedding instead of hay. With hay bedding there is a possibility of injury to the eyes or feet and needs to be changed daily.

Also, is there a waterproof layer such as coroplast underneath the bedding? If not, the urine will soak through and cause the wood to mold.

Other than that, it looks great! Very well constructed.
Thanks everyone for comments. I am not sure where to find alternative bedding for Fatso and Shorty. Guinea pigs are not as popular pets over here in Australia and I am finding it hard to track stuff down. If anyone has some ideas I would love to hear. What is care fresh?
Whoops forgot to put that I do have plastic under the newspaper. Thanks.
Fleece would probably be easiest to find if you are having trouble finding materials. Just make sure it is anti-pill- go to the bedding section on here and find out all the details about fleece... it really works well!
yeah i'm pretty sure care fresh isn't in Australia i've looked everywhere. your cage looks so much better than most of the ones i've seen in Australia. there are so many hardly bigger than a carry cage yours have so much room (like mine :) )! i also find it hard to find timothy hay as my town only has a tiny family run petstore that doesn't sell any hay, so i get oaten/other grassy hays (not lucerne or alfalfa) from the rural feed store.

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