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Hay - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the bale of hay I get from my feed store. Its kept in the garage and its not kept on the concrete
Can I have some hay? hahah it cost me about 15 bucks for just one of those blocks of hay. You lucky dog!
Wish I could get that much hay and still spend below 15 but alas there are not good feed stores around here and I'm in a farming community.
I'll parcel you a bit cavykid! :D

I'm really lucky because the feed store that I go to sells readigrass, pellets and bedding too.
hey what kind of hay is that & where did you get it? i'm new to guinea pigs & don't know what to get . i would love all your help. Em
I got it from a horse feed store. They have fields in which they grow their own hay. Are you from England?

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