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Hanging Toys

Hanging Toys - Guinea Pig Cages

We tried a bungee cord across the cage to hold their hanging toys. It pulled the cage inward though. I picked up a spool of 30 lb fishing line and used that across the cage. There are two in each cage, one for the critter kabob and one for their bird toy.
It's actually tied to itself. I made the piece of fishing line a bit more than twice the width of the cage. I then looped it around one of the grids and ran it across the width of the cage. There is actually two lines running across on each line. I then wrapped around the other side of the cage's grid. I tied the fishing line off about 6 times because I wanted to make sure it was secure. Any excess line was cut off.
Awsome idea. Do they slide the toys back and forth, do you have more than one toy on a string? Sorry for all of the questions. I have a two story with upper level consisting of 1x2 on each end - joining the two is a walkway made of the minigrids. Where do you think the string would be best suited?
There is one "toy" on each string. There are two strings in each cage. One holds their treat kabob and the other holds a bird toy. How big is your lower level and do you have a pic of it?
The lower level is a 2x5 and no I have not posted any picts of it yet. To be honest, I'm a nerd when it comes to doing things like that. I have a digital, but don't know how to download to this site. AND - my cage is a TOTAL mess, that is my 6yr old son's job (with me of course) tomorrow. Right after we clean it I'll give it a try.

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