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Hanging Fleecey Hiding Hammock!

Hanging Fleecey Hiding Hammock! - Guinea Pig Cages

I clipped this piece of fleece so that the pigs can crawl under it, or get in it, or tunnel through it. They love it, and can often be found somewhere around their multi-functional hanging hidaway!
good idea... by the way you can put that hammock when it's wet, it will be a good place for the pigger to rest!try it!just wet it every day or more often...
I presume it is very hot where you are Amber? Here at the moment it is unseasonably cold - and it hasn't stopped raining for days. I don't think my piggies would appreciate lying on wet fleece at the moment! :)

After a couple of days, I changed the hanging layout - from hanging the sides, to hanging the middle - so it's more tent-like. I could have completely re-done the cage for the entertainment value it gave the girls! I will have to buy another large piece of fleece for a change over hammocky hidey haven!
Naw, it's not hot here either... Just thought that in the summer it would be a releaf to the piggies. I tried it, my piggy loved it...

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