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Hairballie after the vet
Princess Aurora

Hairballie after the vet - Guinea Pig Cages

My husband has a big bond with Hairballie. He simply adores her. She wasn't feeling allright since some days ago, sneezing and coughing these last days so yesterday we took her to the vet and she was given some drops to administrate on her twice per day.

He was so worried for her that he was diei
Awww thanks for your words, theresaj :D

We always give them our best in everything! We often talk about how they really don't realise they are lucky beetween all those piggies out there, to have come to our house and to have a good proper life and care and love most of all. And at the same time, we are so lucky to have them as they cheer us up with their clumsyness and sweetness lol

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Princess Aurora
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