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green fleece - looks like grass?

green fleece - looks like grass? - Guinea Pig Cages

I re-organized their cage. Put the bunk beds and hidey and cushion all lined up against the back wall, so they have more room to rumble. They used to be across from each other.
Good job with the cage!
The lid looks really neat...good job again!
Also, the fleece is super cute because I have never seen such green fleece...your piggies must feel so outdorsy living in that cage.
And...I like the veggies in the picture. It gives it a nice feel or something...i dunno but I think your cage is really really neat!
i love the green! it does remind me of piggies playing in a field! lol.. i just switched over to fleece... trying to potty train my 11 week old skinny pig... he's doing pretty good so far and it's only his first day! great cage!!

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