2x4 x 2 story C&C with ramp, three feeding stations, two water bottles,three pigloos and two hay hampers. The upstairs is mainly hay and feed area and they tend not to poop or pee upstairs much but they love to run up and down the ramp.
Yah, I was wondering if I was going to be the only one who noticed the yellow water. Those Vit. C drops can leave a taste in the water that the pigs most likely won't enjoy and its Vit. C potencey(sp?) just dissintegrates and does nothing for them.
Nice cage, I'm not sure but does the coro come all the way out to the edge of the grid? If not you should add some more.
Very nice. I have some opaque water bottles and my water looks the same, no drops, so maybe it is the bottle. My maiden name was Neville, lol. Kinda caught my eye. Hope the piggies are having fun...