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Giving fleece another chance
Slap Maxwell

Giving fleece another chance - Guinea Pig Cages

I use fleece blankets myself. I change the blankets twice a day and launder them daily. It is so much cleaner than using shavings etc.
Good cage. I put a rug in mine because Mu would run under it it and then go to the bathroom.

Where did you get your fiddle sticks and what size are they.
I love the colors, and those fiddlesticks are awesome. I need to try that litter pan, now that I have an idea where they like to go. We've had great luck with the fleece; I use 3-4 layers of newspaper underneath, but since they primarily use the litter box, I still only have to clean the cage every three days.
How is the fleece working out? It looks really nice!

I don't really like fleece for my big cage. The 2x3 and 3x3 are fine, I just HATE it with the 4x6. Too hard to pick up, shake out, and wash! Plus, the girls are too lazy to use the friggin' litter pan! Grr...
Haha... Sorry, that's kinda funny..
Yah, especially with a lot of pigs, the fleece just gets too gross...
i HATED fleece! the smell was disgusting it was horrible my piggies did have accidents on it but mostly used a liter pan for peeing but it got too much i was hovering it like 3 times day

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