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Girls new updated cage.

Girls new updated cage. - Guinea Pig Cages

I took the 2x3 cage that was connected to the 4x4 cage, I took the divider down and connected the coroplast to the other so now the girls has a 4x4x2x3
Oh wow, you wait a long time lol! I don't spot clean though... but I only have 4 girls in a 4x6! Wow, who's been giving them laxatives? I have to clean my cage 1-2 weeks, usually no longer than 1&1/2 weeks. It does stink when guineas are preggy, lol. Well, as long as you clean the cage alot, I guess..
Lol, I thought it was you Angel! lol, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and everyone elses! Even though it's 3 days later... lol, I was at my fathers house. I reread my post earlier, and I made a few mistakes! I meant, since you spot clean it shouldn't smell anyways, and you clean the cage every 2 weeks, so that's cool.
Oh guess what! I think someone has stopped giving my girls laxatives, it's been about 6 days since I cleaned the cage and it dosen't look or smell dirty at all! Yay! I wonder how long it'll last.. lol. Good Luck with the babes, Angel. Are you getting the 3 boars back? I saw in a thread that you were most likely?
Not right now though. But we told them that if we feel that they are not being taken care of we will take them back. I hope not cause of room. I think when we had the cages together we had all of the coros down and then connected the cages with dividers on top of the flat part of coro and I think Squeakers got pregnant that way and the boys can not get to the girls at all. the only way they could get pregnant is if the girls put their buts up against the cube squares.
Take a look at the pic up top and you can see 2 cages divided with cubes and coroplast to keep babies and problems with boys. Before that we had just cubes and no coroplast in between the cubes. Now we do and we did for a while. She could be or may not and hoping she is not. We kinda felt a movement but it could be gas bubbles lol. It kinda felt like a little baby though. We are NOT breeding it is accidental.
Well next week we are picking up more coroplast and we are making the girls cage a 4x7 instead of the one you see in the pic and the boys will have the same size too a 4x7. again and hopefuly no more.
WOW! Lol, Angel, I know how you feel about all the babies. We kept getting accidentals- we don't know how! Well, everyone will be happy in 4x7's, that's for sure. My 4x6 photos are coming up soon, with close ups and such.
I believe that these are accidentals! I don't think you are breeding! Lol, I hope they are gas bubbles. It's never cool whenever girls are preggy. They can get moody, lol. Like human like guinea pig, lol. Good luck with the cage and babies, also determining if she is preggy or not.
She is moody and looks like a pear shape too. She is so cute and she is 3 months old too. But we are keeping them all though and all of the babies are doing well and Furby is hubba bubbin everyone already and he is not mature yet. Its so cute when you hear little boys do it.

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