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Girls cage

Girls cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the girls cage. A 4x4 set up no 2nd level yet.
Yeah it is. I is so much better than the one I had before that. I had a 3x4 with a 1x2x4x1 L shape second level. But now I can see them all runaround and popcorn all over the place. And it is so much easier to clean too.
Wheres all the hay, theres none in this cage and in the corner I see another cage with an empty hayrack?
I have hay and they all raid it as soon as I fill it. I snapped the pic when I just made that cage so at the time I didnt put hay in it.
really cool. her name is Stinker. My hubby named her that. I just picked up 2 more boars. They both are smooth hair one is white with tan spots and the other is white with dark brown spots. They both are brothers.
The Piggie that is on the red binky is pregnant in that pic. She just had 5 beautiful babies around 8 or 9 pm tonight. She is now a skinny mini not a fat one.

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