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Front view - Guinea Pig Cages

Our little piggies have never had so much space. Their previous owner had them ina store bought 2x2 cage with no hide. Way to small for 2. Just the bedding and hay.
You can see that one of them is still hanging in the bedding, the other is under the ramp. We've had them since the begin. of Feb. Y
Yes the ramp I have to fix it. Id like tot make it more sturdy and use a rail. They are still discovering their surroundings. We got a little over a week ago and they lived in a 2x2 feet store cage. :O(
Now they have so much space...they are still discovering the upper level so Id like to make it safer for them to get up there. I think Im going ot make their little box a bit bigger. On the pic is on the left side. :)
OMG, I love your cage so so so much! Even though the ramp isn't that safe, its still an great cage with many toy examples! Awsome!
That is an amazing cage- i wish i had one like that for all my piggies. Hopefully, i will very soon! xxx
I was wondering, what is under the fleece? Do they poop in their bed(cuddle cup thingy), cause thats what Kiwi does. Awsome cage!

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