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front vewi of new cage

front vewi of new cage - Guinea Pig Cages

thia is the cage i buitl for my single boar today.
he has a plastic sheet, newspaper and then fleece for bedding on the bottom level and then rubber car mats and then carpet peices on the top level, the ramp is lined with carpet. he has two litter/hay areas which have trays of carefresh in. then he
i know you say that he was fine with the bowl but the bottle keeps the water better for longer and prevents disese from getting into the water. i think thats what the other people were trying to say
very rude that water bowl is bad for piggy's! just in his next cage put a watter bottle!!!!
argh you silly people! he/she said that she/he has changed the bottle! arghhhhhhh learn to listen he/she said it about 5 times! argh stupid people read before write!
well I like your cage very much !! and yes it is plenty big for one piggie maybe you should get him a friend though!
hi, he doesn't get on with other piggies.
Sorry to confuse everyone, I did change the bowl, I guess I forgot to mention that, I am really sorry!

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