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Fridge - Guinea Pig Cages

It's kinda sideways. Anyway, this is the fridge I use for my pigs, with their weight chart and shopping listen on the front. It's also used to hold some of our stuff, but it's normally filled with Romaine, Apples, Peppers, baby carrots, and cilantro.
Thats awsome, you have your own refridgerator for you piggies! Thats so cool. I wish I had space for thaT!
lol i also have a fridge for my piggies and iguana... :) it's in my room very convenient...but usually STUFFED!! lol
Wow that is a good idea - to have pig's own fridge. Man - I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my old dorm fridge now!!! :( Could have kept my frozen fish food in there too. My husband always whines about how there is more food in the fridge/freezer for the animals than for us (which is NOT true lol)>

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