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Floor time

Floor time - Guinea Pig Cages

I found some spare grids lying around in the garage, so I've managed to make their pen larger. To make it even bigger, I've used the fence as one of the sides.
Thats so awesome! I wish I had that much room outside for my piggies to run....I wish we had green grass....just snow right now :)
Thats the good thing about living in England, not much snow! I got the measurements wrong by the way, its a 7x7 (The fence acts as 7 grids)
Looks awsome! There's so much room! This year it's been raining sooo much I'm sick of it!! It's the end of june and it's 10 degrees and raining! :( But your pen looks great!! :)
I like england for not being very bad weathered!, my piggies have spent the last 2 days outside all day he he he! its being nice and warm!, I would give this pen a 10 but it needs a top.
Do you keep an eye on them when they are in this pen? If you don't, then you need to put a top on it so no animals can get to them.

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