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Fleece for Bedding

Fleece for Bedding - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is the photo for the thread I started about fleece that I picked up for 2.99 a yard.
Ahh I have a similar one - mine is yellow with purple paw prints. I got it at Hancock Fabrics.
This is an incredibly stupid question, but I just want to make sure before I buy it... I went to the Hancock Frabrics online store and LOVE this print: https://www.hancockfabrics.com/product/iMainCat/6455/iSubCat/6525/iProductID/34539/34539.html

So to fill my 2x5 cage I wanted to get two yards... that link is for a blanket size fleece right, not a sample square like they sell in some stores, right?

Right now I have a fleece that is a yard, and I've cut it down to make it fit a little better and then for the rest of the cage (there's about a grids worth that the yard fleece didn't cover in length) I have just a portion of another fleece. But they burrow like crazy now, so I just want to get 2 yards and tuck them well so they will stop the burrowing.
my friend got that but in red and made some thing for her and her dog and her gp! :D where did you get yours??

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