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Finch cage

Finch cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This was pretty easy to make. I got the idea from my neighbor, who made one like it. The bottom is a drip pan for a water heater. The doors (there are 3) came from an old cage I had. There are mostly natural branches inside, and one plastic vine up top, but the silk vine is draped outside in the bac
WOW! im getting finches and canaries in august when my husband move into our house, and this is a great idea!! good work!
awww =(((( i mean good job and everything , but i think birds deserve to be free to fly at their whim and to their delight , poor things , it almost looks as if they`re being teased beside the window , only to see all the free wild finches =`((((((((((((((((((
Um, I don't think there are wild finches...
There are wild pigeons but who would be jealous of them?
Anyway, awesome cage!!!!

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