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Extended Cage
Pinny Gigs

Extended Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Newly enlarged from a 2x3 to a 2x4, piggies love it!
The corner there are in is full of hay that they can lie in, dig in, pee in, anything they like! There is clean hay in the hay rack for them to eat.
The cage looks great! It's all uniform and nice-looking. I'm sure they're very happy in it!

I have a question about the fiddlesticks on the upper level. I am considering having something similar on my upper level, but I'm a little wary that the boys might climb up on them and dive/fall off the side all the way down...is that crazy? I have half of the cubes as a railing on my second level as well.


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Open, Multi-Level
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Pinny Gigs
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