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Einstein and Jackie's cage

Einstein and Jackie's cage - Guinea Pig Cages

A 2x3 with 1x2 upper level for two boar brothers, one of whom is special-needs. The ramp is carpeted for traction (industrial carpet, $2.50 a square) and the upper level has coroplast, which is covered with a towel to make it softer.
I was a little alarmed by the open grids on the ramp. I would think this could be a hazard for little piggy feet. Maybe you could cover the whole ramp?
I think you should definatly make the ramp a lot more safer for your piggie. And you should get your piggy a friend as well!
Nice cage just cover the whole ramp . I think he said there are 2 boars, one is under the ramp I think . And maybe a few toys .
I would suggest making the ramp safer? and correct me if I' wrong, but I think this is quite a small cage for TWO boars..?
oh, wow... I just realized this was posted in '04 lol this cage probablt doesnt exist anymore Lol

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