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Earl & Flash's Water and Potty Area

Earl & Flash's Water and Potty Area - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Earl and Flash's water and potty area. Their potty is a kitty litter box. I use aspen pellets covered with carefresh and it really does well eliminating odor. They use the fiddlestick bridge to enter and exit and it helps clean off carefresh so it doesn't get all over the fleece.
how do your piggies understand that potty idea? I try and try all the time but mine would not use the potty. am I doing something wrong? could you help me please? thanks already!
Well, I put litter boxes under food, water and hay. Earl just naturally uses the litter box. But, Flash hasn't quite caught on yet. He pees and poops in his hidey hut and a few other places. But, I vacuum out the poopies 1-2 times per day and that seems to help. I don't know if you can ever get them 100% potty trained. Try using different things for litter. Also, you might want to put some soiled litter and poopies in their litter box and it might atract them to using it. I did that at first.

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