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Divided Cage with Lofts

Divided Cage with Lofts - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is my new divded cage agian for 1 boar and 1 sow. The left side is for my sow and the right for my boar. Their new "cool" fleece is dirty, so they have old fleece here. The cage is a 3x4 without the stand with a 1x4 loft also split into 1x2's. The lofts didnt even really take a long t
I was thinking about making my cage similar to yours because no matter how hard I try at the current time my two boys do not play safely enough to live together, do you find if they have any trouble with the ramp being that steep? Thanks!
I love it! Can you answer me a couple questions if you know? I want to build pretty much that exact design and yours is the only one I've seen so far!
How many grids did it take to make this whole thing? And how did you build the lofts for it?
Did you basically just do two 2x3 coroplast bottoms or did you leave one side off so the piggies can see each other?

The cage is very nice! But I would be nervous of the boy hopping the fence at the ramp. And the ramps seem steep but clearly the piggies use them so it seems to not be an issue.

Well done!

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