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Cube Opening

Cube Opening - Guinea Pig Cages

I cut the corner of the cube connector on both sides of one cube piece. Then I tied it to the one behind it with the lock ties so when I open it, it will swing up and not be stiff.
I just wanted to say thanks for posting this tip. I used this method on my rat cage to make a door on each level, except I have to use velcro cable cuffs as well to keep them from opening it themselves! It works quite well.
Yes, and it only took me five hours of sitting and staring to figure it out. I am very proud. (sarcasm) Although now I realize I could have eliminated the connectors entirely and only used the plastic ties instead.

My brain works but I cannot say how fast anymore.

It does work well and the wet/dry vac is a must as it only takes 5 seconds to clean out the cage completely.

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