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cosy bed
Granma piggy

cosy bed - Guinea Pig Cages

Falcor in bed, I have put a cover over the top so he can hide
Sorry for not replying have been very busy at work.
The Base is coraplast, the shell is mad from stack crates you get from Bunnings, the ramp is coralpast and the bunks from plastic vegetable stacks that you get from Harry's, the Boys love them.
Both ends unclip and the coroplast slides out for easy cleaning, the Polar Fleece has towels sewed under it for ease of replacing, and paper under that. Very easy to clean.
The Bunk is made from stackable vege racks that you get form Harry's, they come in a pack of four stacks, so you get 2bunk beds, I gave the other bunk to my Daughter for her Girls
Falcor has claimed the bottom bunk, I have since put another shelf on with a cover, to make it cosey, Matthias loves to look out from there.

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