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Cooling down stone

Cooling down stone - Guinea Pig Cages

I read on here that it was a good idea to put stone under the water bottles, one to catch the drips and two for the piggies to keep cool - well they certainly appreciate it as you can tell by the pigture!
I would think the stone would help them wear down their nails a little bit too - but who knows - I'm new to all this. Love your piggies!!
I did the same! my piggers love it and that pigture is just soooo adorable!!
although I need a bigger one because I have two in the cage and it only itts one on it unless they decide just to have theyre piggy butts on it instead o theyre whole bodys lol
What an adorable pair! My Mully has been laying in the food dish every morning- I think this might be a great solution!

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