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converted cavy cage for hamster

converted cavy cage for hamster - Guinea Pig Cages

my Syrian hamster was not making use of her connected Crittertrail homes, but rather, sleeping and living out of the same small corner unless eating or using the wheel. so, i decided to give our mice the Crittertrails and make a new home for my hamster. i had an old small store-type guinea pig cag
note the linoleum wasn't in yet when i took this photo, nor was her water, etc. i was in the process of assembling it. there is no blanket on top, either. she has not managed to escape it yet and believe me, anyone who knows hamsters knows she has tried.
Ohh yes. Don't ya just love the little escape artists? My syrian has a bin cage, so I'm pretty secure about the whole escaping thing. Nice job and very creative!
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! When I got my first piggy (who died). I had that exact cage!! But I changed to a C&C
Awesome, but the wired looring on the ladders and levels aren't very good for his tiny feet. Try putting purchasing those hay mats and put them on the levels. =) Overall, awesome cage.
I tried to do that with my cavy pet store cage, but even doubling other smaller holed wire over top of it she escaped. It's really cute though. Glad it worked for you.
I might try this...my brothers hamster isn't using her cage much either...and the old cage is just sitting around.

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