Da_3_mad_pigs Sep 1, 2005 Congratulations on your first c&c cage! It looks really good! You should get him a friend though.
Congratulations on your first c&c cage! It looks really good! You should get him a friend though.
stitsy&codyPig Sep 1, 2005 Thanks ilovemypiggies! I would love to get him a friend but I have 18 pets and my mom says it is to exspensive. He really loves his new cage!
Thanks ilovemypiggies! I would love to get him a friend but I have 18 pets and my mom says it is to exspensive. He really loves his new cage!
stitsy&codyPig Sep 2, 2005 Thanks harrison! It is not the best picture of him. If you want to see some other pics of him go tohotobucket.com/albums/a324/_mary_mccututchen
Thanks harrison! It is not the best picture of him. If you want to see some other pics of him go tohotobucket.com/albums/a324/_mary_mccututchen