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Cody in his new 2by4 grid c&c cage

Cody in his new 2by4 grid c&c cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Cody in his new 2by4 grid c&c cage! He was in a store bought cage(is was much smaller) but now he runs laps and popcorns in his new c&c cage.
Congratulations on your first c&c cage! It looks really good! You should get him a friend though. :):):)
Thanks ilovemypiggies! I would love to get him a friend but I have 18 pets and my mom says it is to exspensive. He really loves his new cage!
Thanks harrison! It is not the best picture of him. If you want to see some other pics of him go to:photobucket.com/albums/a324/_mary_mccututchen

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