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Closed Top Cage

Closed Top Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is a cage that I made. I had a blast making it. I just have to add the bedding and my piggies! I did a 2x4 size and then did pink and purple border on the outside to match the pink and purple frames that I used. I really like how it turned out.
I also love how it turned out! It is so creative and pretty! Your piggies are going to have a blast running around it it!
This cage is so pretty. I love the cute colors! The corolplast is so fun with the flowers on it. Where on earth did you find it?
Verry pretty cage. I have boy guinea pigs, so I can't really decorate it all, with flowers and stuff- though I could but I'm just going to stick with my cars/ toy story themed cage.
If I ever have girls, my cage would be totally tinkerfied.

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