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Chubes/ Tunnels

Chubes/ Tunnels - Guinea Pig Cages

These are the cardboard tunnels sold as 'chubes'. Teef always loved these and could often be found in this position with his feet sprawled out. He'd always headbutt the chube in to position so he could see one of the girls while he rested!
Treen, I imagine this photo will get a lot of comments! It cracks me up. Great description, too. :)
HAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! "could often be found in this position with his feet sprawled out" Omg!!! This is sooo funny!! What a cute little guy!!
LOL! That is too cute! Even his bottom half looks adorable lol I love the way he is sprawled out!!!
The pigs are always so stupid. As long as their head is inside some sort of cover, they think that their entire body is inside as well, even though their bums are fully exposed!

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