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Chippy-Chippy cuddling with me
Princess Aurora

Chippy-Chippy cuddling with me - Guinea Pig Cages

She is turning more and more tamed with the weeks, I try to cuddle her every day, if she is not bothered I just put her back, but sometimes she is just so relaxed and lays in my lap or in my arms and makes her cute noises lol We are knowing each other little by little.
Awwww, yeah, her coat is just gorgeous!

I love to see her running around the cage so happy, she runs so fast that all her nuttie hairs dances in the air lol

She is a cutie... in her own way haha!
Awwwww... I love her hair too, how it all goes forward like that. And what a cute face! Sometimes I try to lay like that on my couch with Piglet.

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Princess Aurora
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