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Chewy & Spaz's New Cage

Chewy & Spaz's New Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

2x3 grid, Blue Coro, C&C Cage.
I got the Coro for $25.00 a sheet and the Cubes at $15.00 for a box of 16 grids.
It's roughly the size of my desk and fits perfectly behind my bedroom door.
I like what you did with the 2nd level.You have given me some great ideas for upgrades on my 2x3 with 2x1 upper level.
I LOVE this cage. It's very neat and clean. And your piggie seems to be enjoying themselves up there in the loft :)
Good cage! I have a 3x2 and I'm trying to find ideas for a second level and this is really cool.

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