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Chad's C&C's

Chad's C&C's - Guinea Pig Cages

Chad's main piggie area.
Neat space-saving idea, combining them all like that! It also saves grids. I like how they can all see each other too! Keep up the good work. =)
Correct, Piglet. I personally do not condone breeding guinea pigs in any way, shape or form.
This is very nice just like all your other cages! I love it!
90katrina90, I think you should probably quit coming to this forum- this is the third time that you have talked about breeding- in another photo you even admitted it! If you keep talking about breeding, you ARE going to be banned.
Thats a cool cage/hutch, i always keep my guineas and rabbit in 4ft wooden hutches outside, i have never seen a cage/hutch like that before, i didnt think u could keep guineas in a thing like that either, but it looks good, but i spose if u have a cage like that you have to keep the guineas inside, and thats alright for people that have enough room, but my house is full of dogs, lol.

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