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Cavy_Pics_040 - Guinea Pig Cages

Is that just light or is the kitties fur really that brown streak? If it was then she'd match your cute piggies :)
Why not? She was obviously supervising... I have many pictures of my cats with my pigs...
The piggie on the right looks almost exactly like my piggie Pepper! I would never let my cat near my piggies....I just wouldn't trust her not to use her animal instincts. It may not happen today or tomorrow or ever for that matter, but the possibility still exists for cats to kill guinea pigs and that is something I won't risk. But to each his own.
My dog was a rodent catcher and before he died...he used to watch my guinea pig while I was in school. He bonded with her and he would never hurt her...The same with cats!
my cat has been in the same room as my pigs whilst hey had floor time and the pigs ran through her legs and she just sat with me and watched
LOL :) best answer, why not she is obviously supervising!!!! oh my, sorry to whom it was said no offence please to be taken. I think pple just need to remember that these are pictures taken at certain times not evidence of how all our pigs live every second.

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