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Cavy Condo #2

Cavy Condo #2 - Guinea Pig Cages

I finally have it built. Almost anyway. I still have to build the cabinet doors for the bottom but it is mostly finished.
you should win a prize for this! its fit for king and queen piggy's!! and looks so nice in the home.
Really it was just meant to make my daughter and wife happy but I enjoyed building it so much I wanted to make it nice enough to look decent no matter where you put it in your house.
I would love to be able to build something like this for my guinea pigs. Would you be willing to share some specs on this project? (ie materials used)
I'll do my best. I didn't have it written on paper. I had an idea in my head and went from there. As far as materials are concerned, I'll try to get a list together of everything I used. The main thing is to have the cutting tools to size the wood. Do you have or have access to a table saw, router, drill, clamp, and jigsaw? A circular saw could replace the table saw, although it will be harder to make good clean cuts. A router is not required either but you can make decorative edges. In my case, I rounded over the corners of each board or panel. Also, I used a jigsaw because I messed up and put in each floor without thinking of cutting the holes out in the floor for the ramps...oops. If you have access to those tools, you're already half way there.
thank you for trying to get a list of materials together. I hope to get something built soon...
One of the coolest cages I've seen...by far!! I might just have to enlist my fathers help in building me one of these...if you don't mind. My piggies would simply love something like this. Simply super!!
Absolutly brilliant!!!! *applauses loudly* This is (i think) THE best cage on this site! You deserve a gold medal!
This cage is almost exactly what I have had pictured in my mind - down to the lights, the cabinets at the bottom - everything!! I've been wanting something "furniture-like" to use in our main living room and have been completely unsuccessful in finding anything else even close to what I have been imagining - until now! I am going to be on the search for someone who can build one for my pig (would like to add another once I get a big enough cage for them). I will provide links to your pictures so that they are sure to understand my specifications exactly!!

A couple of questions... 1 - How do you clean out the middle floors? I think I noticed hinges under the top, but it's not really clear how you might access the other floors. Also, are the floors "bare" wood or do you have them covered with something? Do you have trouble with urine soaking through the bedding and into the wood (if it is not covered with something, of course)? And finally... You responded to another poster about the tools needed to build this. Do you have a list of the materials you used? This would be helpful so that I could estimate the cost.

Thanks, and AMAZING JOB!!!

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