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Casey's  Ferret cage

Casey's Ferret cage - Guinea Pig Cages

this is the left side of my ferret cage... the top two levels are both FULL L shaped levels...conected by a ramp..that now houses 6 boys..
the bottom two levels are split into a cube 2x2x2 that houses one older ferret on a special diet, and a 2x4x2 that houses 4 girl ferrets :) they needed double gr
I love the cage! Mad guinea pigs ferrets sre awesome pets I have never had one but I babysat one for 3 weeks! He was a really cool animal!
they are very mischevious, and hilarious.... not skittish just crazy.. mine are super friendly, well most of them...some love me don't really wanna be bothered with anyone else.. i love my babies... but i think they might be sick..i had a ferret of mine die a few weeks back.. well i had to put him down because he had ece...which is very contagious.. and so all of my ferrets are at risk.. and i'm worried...very.. but i'm loving them tons... and stuff like that always makes you realize what you do have and that you should cherish it everyday!! so hug your babies today and everyday because they won't be here forever!!!

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